Success Stories

Tackle Tomorrow

Tackle Tomorrow’s commitment to improving childhood literacy programs, adult education services, and addressing essential community needs in underserved areas of Dallas has made a substantial impact. Through our partnership, Tech Allies facilitated the introduction of Tackle Tomorrow’s initiatives to corporate sponsors, resulting in significant funding and resources. One notable success involved a reading program that doubled the literacy rates among elementary school children within a year. Additionally, an adult education initiative enabled 50 community members to obtain their GEDs, opening doors to better employment opportunities.

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HKS + mender

The collaboration between HKS, a global architecture firm, and Mender, a health technology company, has flourished through the support of Tech Allies. HKS integrated Mender’s innovative health monitoring solutions into their building designs, leading to the creation of smarter, healthier living environments. This partnership has resulted in numerous awards for sustainable design and has set new standards in the architecture and health tech industries.

Learn More HKS/Mender

Perdue Brandon + Inspiredge

Inspiredge, known for its cutting-edge business solutions, partnered with Perdue Brandon through Tech Allies to collaborate on an extensive staffing and efficiency project.

Learn More Perdue Brandon/Inspiredge

Karen Campbell + Huston-Tillotson Mentorship

Karen Campbell, CISO at Texas A&M University, connected with us while seeking student mentorship opportunities. Despite her previous two-year effort to mentor at Huston-Tillotson University (HT), which had stalled in the communication process, she remained committed to making a difference.

We invited Karen to help strengthen our HT partnership. Working with the Tech Allies team and Professor Tommy Mouton, our program’s executive sponsor, she helped establish a robust framework for collaboration. Her involvement accelerated our mentorship initiatives at HT, leading to two successful sessions in 2023: a February workshop sponsored by ConsultNet and Mender, and a second session featuring her keynote address alongside LinkedIn training by IQ Clarity.

Diego Silva (CIO of Gates)

Diego Silva, the CIO of Gates, has been a staunch supporter of Tech Allies’ UTD mentorship program. Recognizing the program’s potential, he hired four interns from UTD, who have since made remarkable contributions to Gates’ IT department. These interns have worked on critical projects, including the development of a new cybersecurity protocol that has enhanced the company’s data protection measures.

Vic Roy + Veritis

Vic Roy was referred by Rusty Kennington, CIO of Denali Water Solutions, who invited him to join our Tech Allies table at the Technology Prayer Breakfast in 2023. Being new to the DFW area and seeking his next role, Vic expressed interest in the Tech CxO Excellence Program by Tech CxO LaunchPad, one of our STEM partners. He successfully graduated from Cohort 1 of the program in 2024. Tricia later mentioned Vic to one of our sponsor companies, Veritis. Today, Vic is excelling in his tech career while working with Veritis Group.

Learn More SMU/Veritis